Are Your Health Issues Stressing You Out!

Do you want to LOSE WEIGHT and

Find out what your body is saying…
by a simple hand scan!

By placing your hand on the ZYTO hand cradle, energetic stimuli is sent from the computer to the hand cradle that measures the body's response to the stressors, called bio-communication, referred to as a bio-survey scan.

Renewed Vitality® develops a complete personalized health program with a combination of results from the ZYTO Elite professional software scan, Nutrition Profiling, BIA (Body Composition Testing), and health history to correct any nutrient deficiencies and system imbalances...

Renewed Vitality® began in 2005 initially specializing in fitness and sports nutrition but since 2008 has been focused on allergies, digestive complaints and hormonal issues that impede proper metabolism and weight loss. Our clientele has been based on 98% referrals from those who have experienced the health benefits of coming in to find out how they can lead more vibrant and productive lives.

With a complete holistic approach in mind to your wellness, Renewed Vitality understands that everyone is unique and provides a variety of modalities to your healing. This includes: nutritional supplementation, homeopathy, bio-therapeutic drainage, flower essence, auricular and energy medicine.

What's stressing you out…get scanned today!

To make an appointment click on contact
Order your ZYTO hand cradle click here